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Latest Blog Posts - Luck And Success

Here are our latest blog posts, to inspire and uplift. From stories about the thinking and ideas behind the mantras, to new product updates, to interviews and guides to help you choose a mantra, we hope we have something here to inspire you. Take a look at our Gallery for some inspiration.

Exam results are one small part of how we will move forwards as we leave school. Our attitude, resilience, work ethic, ability to build relationships, and our personal values, will have far more impact on how our lives pan out, and how we create our own happiness and success, than the scores we achieve in our exams, make sure they know that!
POSTED ON 17.07.24
Exams are a stressful time for everyone involved, from the kids taking the exams, to the parents trying to help in any way they can, which inevitably leads to some tension at home! We’ve put together five mantras to help you get through this pivotal time in their lives.
POSTED ON 23.04.24
Our latest Mantra necklace in our Luck and Success collection is the Dragonfly – a graceful, elegant creature that everyone loves. The phrase, ‘Your wings already exist’, reminds someone of the skills they already have, while ‘all you have to do is fly’ is a gentle encouragement for them to have the confidence to put those skills into action. To represent this mantra, we chose a Dragonfly, and designed a delicate pendant to hang on our chain.
POSTED ON 07.06.18
I have run the London Marathon twice, both times for charity. And through all my training and the run itself, the most useful piece of wisdom that I was given was this: you run a marathon with your mind, not your legs. Create or find a few phrases that resonate with you, and learn them - to use to drown out that voice. I had 26 mantras, one for each mile. They kept me focused, they distracted from the pain, and they drowned out that voice that wanted me to quit. Good luck to all Marathon runners this year!
POSTED ON 27.03.18
Last night, I was lucky enough to be invited to the first Fashion Club event organised by Smart Works, the amazing charity we support at Mantra. Smart Works provides support to disadvantaged women trying to get back to work, through practical clothing and styling support, and confidence-building coaching. We support Smart Works with our 'Believe' disc necklace, with 25% going directly to the charity.
POSTED ON 26.04.17
What makes you feel empowered?Empowerment for me comes from feeling comfortable within my mindset, my actions and my body. When i feel strong is when i feel most empowered. There is something to be said for being independent, I love how my body responds to anything I ask of it, how I can carry my shopping without needing to ask for help, how I can surprise those around me by deadlifting 110kg. I like being able to do things others might not expect to be possible.What inspires you to be...
POSTED ON 26.04.17
Michelle, or FLOTUS (which I discovered today stands for First Lady of the United States!) has been in the spotlight since Barack took to the White House over 7 years ago.  She entered our lives as the First Lady, but has carved her own path like no other, one of integrity, courage, authenticity and determination. We felt such an inspirational lady needed her own set of mantras, so here are ours inspired by FLOTUS…Hard work brings sweet rewards      &nbs...
POSTED ON 20.10.16
I couldn’t sleep the night before I was due to go and pick up my exams, which now seems crazy. The fact is, firstly you can’t change what’s going to be on that piece of paper by worrying, and secondly, life is about so much more than letters on a page!
POSTED ON 16.08.16
As we enter into the Olympic games, Jo (who completed a marathon this year) shares the Olympic mind-sets that you can integrate into everyday life, winning!
POSTED ON 03.08.16
We'll be shouting loud for our amazing Olympians, their hard work and dedication often goes unnoticed until the games arrives... so these ones are for you team GB!
POSTED ON 02.08.16
Inspirational Blog | Motivational Blog | Q&A | JULIE MONTAGU | Mantras for life | Charity | Fern Ross | Lottie Murphy | Lauren Mahon | Emma Farraron | Carly Rowena | Xochi Balfour | Smart Works | MIND Charity | Woman who...Achieves | Care International UK | Bullying UK | Family Lives | Best You Expo | Minsful Living Show | NATWEST EVERYWOMAN AWARD | ANNUAL RETAIL JEWELLER AWARDS | Brands to Watch