Posted: by Jo Monday, 20 December 2021 @ 13:19
We have recently launched
three more Chakra Necklaces, to complete the four that are already in our ‘7 Chakras’ collection.
Chakras are a complex and ancient energy system
that originated in India over 1000 years ago, the term coming from the
Sanskrit word for 'wheel'. These seven spinning wheels of energy are meant to
be open and aligned, for you to feel in balance. When one or more of your chakras becomes
blocked or unbalanced, it is thought to have an impact on your physical,
mental, spiritual, and emotional health.
Our Chakra collection uses each individual
chakra to bring to life a mantra of wellbeing. Choose the mantra that resonates
with you, and use it as an affirmation when you hold onto your necklace, to
help you open up that part of yourself.
Here is a little more about our three new ones:
new Crown Chakra Necklace invites us to embrace the mysteries of the
universe, connecting us to a higher power, with its mantra, ‘I open myself
up to life’s mysteries’.

Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is the energy centre that hovers
above the crown of our head, and is said to help us experience a connection
with God or universal intelligence. It is considered the chakra of
enlightenment, representing our connection to our spirituality, helping us to
see who we are beyond our physical self – reminding us that we are spiritual
beings having a human experience.
The mantra, ‘I open myself up to life’s mysteries’,
encourages us to accept that we don’t have all the answers in life. There are
things beyond our current human knowledge, which we do not always understand.

If your Crown Chakra is
blocked, it can be associated with feelings of disconnection, isolation, and a
lack of purpose. Use the mantra
as an affirmation when you hold onto your necklace, to help you embrace the
unknowing, and open your mind to endless possibility.
new Throat Chakra Necklace encourages clear and compassionate
communication. When this chakra is in alignment, we listen with compassion, and
feel confident when we speak that we are being true to ourselves with our words,
while also being considerate of others’ feelings.

Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the energy centre that is
associated with our throat area, and is responsible for communication,
self-expression, and the ability to speak our personal truth.
mantra, ‘I speak with kindness, I listen with compassion’, encourages us to trust
our own voice, and to bring a sense of kindness and empathy to our

If your Throat Chakra is
blocked, it can be associated with a fear of public speaking, or an unwillingness
to talk openly with people you know, or to share your feelings verbally. Use
the mantra as an affirmation when you hold onto your necklace, to help you open
the flow of communication, and trust that you will say the right thing.
new Root Chakra Necklace encourages feelings of confidence, calmness, self-esteem
and a sense of belonging.

Root or Base Chakra, or Muladhara in Sanskrit, is the energy centre that sits at
the base of our spine, and is responsible for feelings of stability, security,
and being grounded.
mantra, ‘I am grounded, centred, connected’, encourages us to feel safe and
calm, secure in our feeling of connection to the world around us.
If your Root Chakra is
blocked, it can be associated with a lack of confidence and feelings of
insecurity. When it’s in alignment and open, we will feel grounded and secure,
both physically and emotionally.

Use the mantra as an
affirmation when you hold onto your necklace, standing confidently and taking
some deep breaths, to help you ground yourself to the Earth, and feeling a
connection with its solidity.
We already have necklaces in our collection for the other four
chakras. You can see our whole collection here.