Posted: by Rhian Tuesday, 20 December 2016 @ 15:21
They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. Doesn’t sound a lot does it, just 3 weeks, but what do you do on day 10 when you really fancy that glass of wine or really don’t have it in you to get to the gym? Well, I’ve taken a look around the web to find tips on how we can get to magical day 21 using strategies that genuinely work for me…
Set realistic goals
It’s probably not realistic thinking you’ll go to the gym every single day, or you’ll never eat a potato again and there’s absolutely no point in setting yourself up for a fall. I’m aiming to do at least three pieces of exercise a week and keeping away from carbs in the evening when I haven’t been to the gym. Seems reasonable!
Prep and plan
At some point I know I’ll be looking for an excuse to not go and I know my main one. Gym kit is standard but I can’t run without headphones, so I’ll be getting a spare pair so I’m not tempted to use that as an excuse.
Visual triggers
Hang your gym kit on the back of your bedroom door so it’s the first thing you see in the morning and keep it in your eyeline at work to encourage you throughout the day. I’ve found a photo of myself when I was feeling really fit and use it as my screensaver on my phone to inspire me, and I wear my 'strong wild free' mantra to not only remind me throughout the day but to encourage me to push myself further at the gym.
Have a mantra

Have a series of powerful and positive phrases that you know will make you move. Some of my favourites are on this blog mine include, 'The body achieves what the mind believes', 'May my body be strong, my heart wild and my spirit free', 'Today I will love myself enough to exercise' and 'Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it'.
Invest in your hobby
I love gym kit so I treated myself to a couple of new bits in the January sales that I love to wear. Investing in my goal definitely makes me more likely to do it and a more enjoyable experience, I’m a classic ‘all the gear, no idea’ kind of girl. Also I joined a gym: the pool, Jacuzzi and steam room are a draw, but for me, knowing it's costing me money is a good incentive to use it.
Get in early
If you can do it first thing in the morning do, but I steer clear of any classes that involve me hanging around in-between work and the gym. I want to go straight there after work which means I’m done by 7. The less time to change my mind, the better.
Keep a diary and record your progress

Myself and Jo print out fitness planners at the beginning of the month and have them up in the office with a tally of what we see as good and bad behaviour, kilometres ran vs units drank! Don't write what you're going to do, record what you have done to see progress. Seeing it in front of you is a great way to get up and go or say no!
Have a clear vision or goal
It could be an outfit or occasion where you want to look your best, or a time of the year when you want to feel mentally strong. I tend to use a combination of these to keep me motivated, and see each day/task as a jigsaw piece to a bigger puzzle. My mind is focused on bridesmaid dresses and hen parties! This is often a great way to start, once you start to feel and look different, that is incentive in itself.
Create an inspiration board

My obsession with pinterest becomes more intense around the New Year, I have a 2017 board which I pin exercise ideas, healthy recipes, things to do (that don't involve pubs) body goals and my favourite quotes along with things I want to achieve in the year. It's a great thing to look at and mentally tick off what you've achieved. Here's mine...
Get a wellbeing buddy
Creating healthy lifestyle choices is so much easier if those you’re around the most are with you, not necessarily on the same diet or regime but supporting you regardless. Jo and I are in the office together most days, so our healthy choices rub off on each other. Pick your cheerleaders and pay it forward.
Be proud of yourself
When you’ve had a great session, achieved a PB or said no to that piece of cake, congratulate yourself. When was the last time you told yourself you were proud of who you are… do it today! And if you slip - don’t berate yourself too much, nobody is perfect, we all slip - just make sure you get straight back on the horse.
Download our monthly planner here for your wellbeing plan, or download a mantra calendar for the year
Do you have New Year fitness goals? Let us know below and join our conversation on social with #mybestself