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Posted: by Jo Wednesday, 21 December 2016 @ 13:14

At the end of 2017, would you like to look back on the year to see a very different you? A healthier, stronger, kinder, braver, more confident, more authentic, calmer and happier you?

It's definitely what we want, here at Mantra. So, we're committed, as a team, to pursuing a year of becoming our best selves.

A year of making wiser choices and better decisions, and taking more considered actions. A year of slowing down, prioritising the right things, paying more attention, and being kinder to ourselves and others.

We've identified a number of areas where we feel we could be better. Some of these relate to our bodies; some to our minds; and some to our relationships with others.

I think they are all areas that will strike a chord with you. They are things that we can all get lazy about, or that we let fall by the wayside when life is busy and stressful and too full of stuff.

Sometimes, it's our mindset that we need to work on, sometimes it's our habits. We've created a year-long programme that focuses on both: the setting of new habits, to help us get where we want to be; and the encouragement, self-belief and empowerment we need to get there.

We'd love you to join us on this journey, and share your experiences with us over the year:


  • tweet us @mantrajewellery using #mybestself, to share your experiences and thoughts
  • follow our progress on our Facebook page 
  • sign up to our Mantra newsletters and follow the story there



Download your MyBestSelf landscape year planner here or go for the portrait one here


Download your January plan here


We're looking forward to going on this journey with you! May our bodies be strong, our hearts wild and our spirits free.


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