Posted: by Jo Wednesday, 27 February 2019 @ 11:44
I have been lucky enough
this year to go on holiday already, with five days in Iceland in the middle of
February. It was my husband’s 50th birthday, and he was really keen
to see the Northern Lights.
Having booked the trip some
months ago, I started to worry about the weather. Every forecast showed heavy
snow for the days we were due to be there, so chances of seeing the Northern
Lights seemed more and more remote.
Getting on the plane, I felt
pessimistic and disappointed, before we even got there. While there are many
fabulous things to do in Reykjavik itself and Iceland as a whole, I knew my
husband’s main objective was the Lights – and the weather looked like it was
completely against us.
I should have had more
belief. As we landed, on a clear blue-sky day, and walked around the city under
bright cloudless skies, I started to allow myself to believe that we might be
in luck. And so it proved, with a fabulous display that very evening!

And as it happened, the huge
and impressive Gullfoss Waterfall; the other-worldly experience of the Blue
Lagoon; the sheer adventure of snowmobiling on a glacier; the incredible upward
burst of the enormous geysers; the warm friendliness of the city itself and the
wonderful Icelandic people - all actually proved more meaningful and enjoyable
to me than seeing the Northern Lights!
So, a great lesson for me. Not
to pre-judge. Not to think so negatively. Not to have such a narrow focus on a
specific outcome, that you might miss out on other joys. The mantra I should
have remembered, before the trip? ‘I attract only good things’.
We have already been very
busy in the Mantra team this month, starting a new collaboration with the
wonderful Holly Matthews, who is one of the most resilient and positive
people we know; and finalising a necklace in support of Women for Women International (UK Registered Charity Number 1115109). We launch this next
charity necklace on International Women’s Day, and it has the mantra,
‘We are all sisters, by birth or by bond’ – celebrating the similarities
between women the world over, not our differences.
I am taking part in a panel
discussion of female entrepreneurs for Royal Bank of Scotland on International Women’s Day in
March, which will be very interesting, I am sure – so I have been preparing for
I also had the chance, along
with Sinade, to be a VIP guest at ‘The Jewellery Cut’, a highly curated
event of beautiful pieces from a small number of jewellery designers, organised
by Rachael Taylor. As a team, we all absolutely love jewellery, so it was
wonderful to see work from so many up and coming designers that we didn’t know.
We believe there is
something inherently special about jewellery – because it is personal – you
wear it against your skin; precious; lasting; and acts as a prompt or reminder
through the day of its meaning or message. So it was really wonderful to have a
day chatting with like-minded people about their beautiful designs.
We are also getting ready
for two major wellbeing events in March – Live Well London and the Mindful Living Show – where we are exhibiting Mantra, and I am also running my
‘Find your mantra’ workshops.
Right at the end of the
month, I went to the Lake District with my sister, where we met up with our 88-year-old
auntie. She is my mum’s last remaining sister, so we spent a lovely day and
evening looking at old photos and cine-film, and chatting about my mum in her
youth. We learnt so much about my mum and our family that we simply didn’t know
before – so it was a timely reminder to talk more with older people about
family history – before it’s too late.
I look forward to catching
up with you again in March.
Jo xx