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The Story Behind the Mantra – What do I need right now, to flourish?

Posted: by Jo Thursday, 29 August 2019 @ 11:26

Our new Disc design is a beautiful floral disc, bursting with blooming flowers. This lovely piece represents a self-care mantra, ‘What do I need right now, to flourish?’

Imagine you are these lovely flowers: they need water to continue to bloom so beautifully. What is the equivalent for you, at this moment?

floral mantra necklace

We all have many demands on our time and our energy. We have daily commitments, responsibilities and tasks. We rush from one thing to the next, often without taking the time to slow down and pause.

This mantra is posing you a question, to ask yourself amongst this busy-ness: right now, if you really thought about it deeply - what do you need, to ensure that your body, your mind, your spirit or your soul feel refreshed and nurtured and cared for?

It might be a night in, instead of heading out to an evening commitment. It might be a yoga session, instead of your usual Spinning class. It might be to sit down with a cup of tea for twenty minutes and read a magazine; a hug from your partner; a few minutes of silence, or a blast of music; or a relaxing bath. It might be some company, to rouse you out of yourself; some silence, to recover from a busy day; a brisk walk, to clear the cobwebs away; or a glass of wine, to mark the end of a stressful day.

The point is - only you know what you need. In this moment, at this time. And it will be different day to day, moment to moment. You are your best advisor - so take time to pause, reflect and ask yourself that question, before you go about your busy plans. And then listen to your own advice, and give yourself what you need right now.

The perfect gift for someone who puts everyone else before themselves; who rushes from one thing to the next; or a gentle reminder to yourself that you can’t pour from an empty cup.


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