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The Story behind the Mantra - the Crown

Posted: by Jo Thursday, 28 September 2017 @ 09:19

Story behind Crown mantra

At Mantra, we fully support the empowerment and equality of women all over the world. We want the next generation of young women and girls to feel they can rule the world, if they want to.

So, we wanted to create a necklace that celebrated the strength and confidence of today's young women.

We love the word 'dignity', as it brings to mind the quiet authority that we believe many women possess. When we found this line in the Bible, taken from Proverbs, we felt it captured the empowerment message we wanted, along with a sense of joy:

'She walks in strength and dignity, and laughs without fear'.

So, to encapsulate this mantra, in a design that would appeal to these powerful young women, we chose to create a crown.

Wearing a crown means you hold your head up high, and you command respect. It reminds us of our power, but also of the responsibility that comes with it.

So, wear the Crown necklace when you want to feel confident, empowered and strong; or gift it, when you want to encourage and celebrate this in your daughter, sister or friend. 



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