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The story behind the mantra: sky, earth, fire

Posted: by Jo Friday, 23 June 2017 @ 14:54

One of our most popular designs in the Mantra collection is the disc necklace, as it provides a simple yet powerful reminder of your mantra. The look is subtle and stylish, while the message remains your secret.

Longer phrases are summarised by one, two or three words, enabling you to bring to mind the full mantra when you simply hold the piece for a few moments - but keeping it private and personal.

Two of our most loved discs are 'Strong, Wild, Free' and 'Body and Mind', which represent the longer mantras, 'May my body be strong, my spirit wild and my heart free', and 'The body achieves what the mind believes'.

We have recently added 'Sky, Earth, Fire' to this collection - three of the most important and fundamental elements in our lives.

This short form hints at the meaning, but only the wearer knows it fully. It is a uniquely grounding and hugely energising mantra, that appeals to yoga practitioners and nature-lovers alike.

It celebrates all the possibility and openness of the sky above our heads; it thanks the grounding and stability of the earth beneath our feet; and it summons the fire, energy and passion that burns within us.

'Sky above me, earth beneath me, fire inside me'.

Repeat this mantra to feel connected, energised and open to possibilities.

May my body be strong QuoteMy body achieves quotesSky, earth, fire quotes 


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