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New collaboration with Samantha Hearne

Posted: by Jo Wednesday, 9 June 2021 @ 11:39

I am thrilled to announce our latest collaboration with business and mindset coach, Samantha Hearne.

samantha hearne coaching    Samantha Hearne coaching

Sam has been a fan and follower of Mantra for a few years now, meeting us first at our very earliest wellbeing event, back in 2017 – the Mindful Living Show. She spoke at another event we attended – the Best You Expo, in 2018 – and has been a long-time purchaser of our jewellery, to gift to friends and clients.

When we discussed a collaboration, I was struck by Sam’s sheer energy, excitement and vitality. She wears yellow – a lot! – loves sunshine, and has a high-energy, positive vibe, with a real warmth and empathy for fellow female business owners.  

Through coaching events and mentorship programmes, Sam encourages female entrepreneurs to take bold action and achieve the boldest things in their business. Her goal is to celebrate women for their success, encouraging them to aim even higher, to reach new heights in their business.  

After spending ten years working in teaching, Sam craved more freedom, wanting to live a life with less strict scheduling. She became relentless in her pursuit of a future that involved freedom, choice, money, happiness, success – and now, she helps others do the same.  

Sam wants every woman to feel confident in herself and her abilities, and to open her eyes to the possibilities and potential of life. She would say that her key message to all of us women – including to herself – is to live your life boldly; to shine brightly; and to open yourself up to all the opportunities life offers.

When we started talking about a collaboration, Sam’s message sounded perfect. For me, the key purpose of us collaborating with someone is to bring together the incredible power of our jewellery, with a message that really resonates with an audience.  

Starting with those key messages of Sam’s, we worked on a number of possible mantras, that captured Sam’s philosophy. We wanted a message that was warm and empathetic, like she is; and could act as an affirmation to build self-confidence and self-belief.  

After considering a few different versions, we refined the words into a compelling mantra that we felt captured the essence of her empowering message to women:  

‘I shine brightly. My potential is infinite’
mantra samantha hearne necklace

Having finalised the mantra, it was time to work on the design. Sam was very clear that she wanted it to incorporate sunshine, if at all possible. The idea of shining brightly is central to her beliefs, feeling that women shouldn’t act small, hide their light, or underplay their strengths or ambitions.  

But we also needed a design that conveyed the sense of ‘infinite potential’, as well as shining brightly. A simple infinity symbol seemed too obvious, and too over-done, so we created various iterations of an endless knot, to convey the infinite and limitless nature of the possibilities and opportunities in life.  

samantha hearne mantra collaboration

In the end, we came back to a sunrise, with the horizon providing the reference to infinity. We can’t ever reach the horizon – it recedes as we walk towards it – so it is a brilliant metaphor for infinite space and infinite possibility.

The sun rising over the sea gives us a clear linear horizon; and the rays of the sun as it starts to rise show the light spreading out to fill the earth. It is a perfect representation of Sam’s mantra, ‘I shine brightly. My potential is infinite’.  

Choose our new collaboration necklace if you need a boost to your self-confidence; a reminder of your strengths and talents; an encouragement to open your eyes to all the possibilities of life; and warm approval of your uniqueness. Or gift it to a friend who needs the same.  

mantra samantha hearne necklaceSamantha Hearne shine brightly necklace

Pre-launching in late June, in the week of Sam’s birthday and Midsummer’s Day, be one of the first to buy Sam Hearne’s necklace when it launches. £25, in Sterling Silver.




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