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My Best Self - The Phoenix

Posted: by Jo Tuesday, 28 December 2021 @ 09:20

This year sees a sixth year of our My Best Self campaign, which we kicked off when we first launched Mantra in 2016.

The idea is to share stories about how we can all step up and be our best selves. For me, having a mantra – a memorable set of words – in a given moment can really help to change our thoughts and our behaviours. That is why I created Mantra Jewellery – to bring together inspiring words and a tangible reminder, in a beautiful piece of jewellery.

This year, we are sharing stories and examples from some of you, our lovely customers, about why you chose a particular mantra.

We hear your stories when we come to events, and you tell us why you have chosen that specific mantra; when you phone us up to ask for advice; when you message us on Live Chat, to get our opinion; or when you give us a review on Feefo and you tell us what the gift was for. Or when you explain the message which you’d like us to write on the card.

We will never identify who you are; or use your name in a story. We absolutely don’t want to embarrass you, or intrude on your privacy. But we do want to share your lovely kindness, your belief in a friend, your love for your daughter, your support for a colleague  – to inspire others with your thoughtfulness.

If you’d like to contribute to our year-long campaign, then please drop us an email with your story, to enquiries@mantrajewellery.co.uk, with the subject line – ‘Sharing a Story’. We’d love to hear from you – and we promise to share all stories anonymously.

‘Always, I rise’ – the Phoenix

The Phoenix is a symbol of strength and renewal, as it rises from the ashes and is reborn through fire. A metaphor for regeneration in our lives, the mythical Phoenix reminds us not to let anything hold us back in life.

Mantra Phoenix Necklace

It is therefore a powerful symbol of strength in adversity, survival, and flourishing when times are tough. We wrote the mantra, 'Always, I rise', to accompany the Phoenix, reminding you of your strength in adversity.

We have sold over 1000 Phoenixes since we launched the design, some bought as a self-purchase, but many more as a gift, to celebrate and summon strength; and to encourage self-confidence and self-belief.

Here are just a few examples from your stories –

Mantras for Self-Belief

Self-Belief: we have seen the Phoenix given as a self-belief gift, to rebuild a friend’s self-confidence and remind them of their strength. We have seen it given in times of unsettling and unplanned change, to remind someone of their adaptability and courage.

Study: we have seen it used to wish someone well as they embark on a degree, during a particularly difficult time; and seen it used as a graduation gift for getting through a tough course.

Employment: we have seen the Phoenix given after the loss of a job; after a business closed down; and to wish someone success after an enforced new start to a career.

     New Business: we have seen it gifted as a good luck gesture for a new business venture, encouraging the recipient to overcome any obstacles they face.

Mantras for Reassurance
Reassurance: we have seen the Phoenix used many times to reassure a daughter or a close friend, that they have what it takes to thrive in life, overcoming any adversities they may face.

Relationships: we have seen friends buy it for friends, to help them after a relationship has ended; and seen it bought as a divorce gift, to rebuild self-confidence.

Mantras of Gratitude

Gratitude: we have seen the Phoenix gifted as a thank you for being such a positive friend, always helping others to rise.

Illness: we have seen it gifted to help someone diagnosed with a serious illness; going through treatment for cancer; and coming back to work after an accident.

Addiction: we have seen the Phoenix celebrate one year of sobriety, and five years of sobriety; as well as helping someone overcome addiction.
Bereavementwe have seen it used as a bereavement gift, when someone has lost someone very dear to them, and needs encouragement that things will get better.

Trauma: we have seen it gifted in the aftermath of a traumatic sexual assault, to give reassurance and comfort.

And here are just a few excerpts of the thoughtful messages you have asked us to write on the accompanying card:

‘You face any difficulties with determination, humour and courage’.

‘Take comfort in the fact that you will rise to new heights in your future’.

Mantra Phoenix

‘This is to remind you of the strength and adversity that you already have within you, every day, no matter how hard things may seem’.

‘Just remember - without struggles, success has no value’.

‘We are proud of the way you have approached so much change in your life this year’.

‘You have overcome cancer. You are strong and fearless. Move on with your life, have courage’.

Mantra Phoenix

‘Congratulations on reaching 5 years of sobriety’.

‘Graduating under normal circumstances is challenging enough, but for you to begin your career in the middle of a pandemic and to do as well as you have is incredible. Always remember how amazing you are, and always believe in yourself’.

'I want you to remember how strong and positive you are. You have a tough journey ahead of you now, but I want you to know that I am here for you and will be with you every step of the way.’

‘You always rise again with such sparkle and kindness for others. You are a shining light and I am so grateful for the gift of your friendship’.

Mantra Phoenix

‘Your business will flourish and grow from strength to strength’.

‘Just like the Phoenix, once the fire of change has burned out, you will rise again, altered slightly but strong, beautiful and still awesomely you, ready to face the new chapter with excitement’.

Mantra Phoenix

‘Each time life brings you down, you rise from the ashes, shake yourself off and keep going. You are inspirational, brave and strong. Through it all, you continue to love, laugh and believe in the magic of life. Enjoy the good times, endure the fire, and keep rising’.

Mantra Phoenix Necklace

So – choose the Phoenix with its mantra, 'Always, I rise' - to help someone remember their inner strength; their adaptability; their resilience; in times of trouble and in times of joy; as a symbol of strength and renewal, and a reminder not to let anything hold us back in life.  

Take a closer look at our Phoenix collection here.


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