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Mantras for New Beginnings and New Experiences

Posted: by Sinade Friday, 5 August 2022 @ 14:06

This time of year always feels like a time of new starts, with the academic year commencing, and students returning to begin a new year.

See the coming season as a time for a new start, or a time to go back to something you have wanted to do for ages. Find the thing that excites a spark of excitement inside you, and have the confidence, the faith, and the belief that it is right for you. Say to yourself that, this month, you will embrace new experiences, and commit to new things. 

Here are our favourite mantras to encourage you to be brave, open-minded, and trust your new path:

Silver Lotus Necklace

I trust in new beginnings

This mantra contains a very important word – ‘trust’. Having trust, faith, belief – call it what you want – brings you so much peace of mind. Try to let go of worry, and have complete faith that the new start you are seeking will be the right one, for you and for your life.


Silver Heart Chakra Necklace

I open my heart to new experiences, without expectation

This mantra encourages us to open our hearts and our minds to something new and different. It asks us to avoid setting too many expectations of how something will work out – just embrace the unknown, and enjoy the experience.


Journey of Womanhood

I am evolving and transforming

This mantra celebrates change within ourselves, not just out in the world, but deep within us. What do you want to change about yourself? Now may be the perfect time to look for ways to transform parts of you that need a re-boot. 


Without change, there would be no butterflies

A powerful reminder that all things in life change, especially in the natural world. The beautiful butterfly is created from changes to a caterpillar – and the world would be a less beautiful place without that transformation taking place.


Be Fearless Necklace

I leap fearlessly towards the life I want to live

What is holding you back? Is it fear of what other people will think or say? Are you waiting for someone to give you permission? Are you hoping life will ‘just happen’, rather than you having to create it? It’s time to take that leap of faith, and start proactively creating the life that you want to lead.


Silver Wave Necklace

In the waves of change, I find my new direction

Again, there is a message of underlying trust here. Have faith and trust that things will work out for the best, and that you will find a new direction in life that is absolutely right for you – no matter how scary and unsettling the waves of change feel right now.

If any of these mantras inspired you give them a click to find the jewellery that brings them to life!


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