Posted: by Jo Monday, 5 June 2017 @ 14:53
We loved being at the Mindful Living Show in Islington last week.
We met some amazing people, and heard some truly inspirational talks.
As mindfulness becomes more popular and more widely understood, many more people are understanding its benefits.
Simply being aware of what we are doing and thinking, rather than living our lives in a state of autopilot, is a good start. And focusing on enjoying and experiencing the here and now - rather than fretting about the future, or reliving the past in our minds - is a positive aim for us all.
I listened to US news presenter, Dan Harris, talk about his discovery that meditation was going to truly transform his life - presented in such a funny, irreverent and engaging way, that it made me download his book right away. (‘10% Happier’).
I heard Mike Bell succinctly and clearly explain the 3 tenets of Buddhism in such a simple, down to earth and compelling way, that I wondered - why we aren't all Buddhists?
And I was immediately drawn to Vanessa King's scientifically proven list of ten 'keys' to being happy in life - two of which she ably and convincingly demonstrated in just a few moments.
So many fascinating perspectives and really interesting insights.
I am completely convinced of the benefits of living a more mindful life. I am very guilty myself of creating all sorts of worries and catastrophes in my head, simply by failing to live in the present, and over-thinking and endlessly ruminating on things that haven't even happened, and probably never will!
So, thank you to the Mindful Living Show for having us. We took along a selection of some of our more mindful pieces of Mantra Jewellery, and we met some truly lovely people, many of whom already knew our brand from our press coverage.
I ran a workshop on using and creating mantras, helping people find the mantra that works for them, helped by Becky from our Mantra team.
Back home now - and we look forward to hearing from some of the people we met, on social media or by email.