Posted: by Jo Wednesday, 24 October 2018 @ 10:17
It’s been a quieter month here at Mantra in October, as we settle into the gentle rhythm of Autumn.
I was delighted to be featured in mindful magazine, ‘In the Moment’, discussing an important Life Lesson. For me, running the London Marathon a few years ago was what made me truly appreciate the power that words have on your mindset.
I wrote about what I learned then: that marathons are run with the mind, not the body – as I had to find a way of stopping the voice in my head that kept telling me I could end all this pain by just slowing down to a walk. Repeating positive mantras to drown out that voice was what got me through – and what prompted me to create Mantra Jewellery.

This month, I also attended an entrepreneurs’ workshop, where we spent some time discussing the importance of a ‘growth mindset’. There is a brilliant TED-talk and book by Carol Dweck on this subject.
Adopting the mindset that you can’t do something ‘yet’, and knowing that it is possible to learn, improve and add to your skill base, is a really important attitude for everyone in life – from kids in education, through to people in business. It is a mindset which encourages you to try new things, even if they are difficult at first.
I can sometimes slip into a ‘fixed mindset’, so having a few mantras to remind me not to, works really well for me. There are many phrases that work as growth mantras for me: from ‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you’, which I have engraved on one of my ‘myMantra’ necklaces, to ‘I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship’.

I’ve also been enjoying a couple of great books this month. ‘Sit Down, Be Quiet’, by Michael J Wong, is encouraging men in particular to get onto the yoga mat, and to start to see yoga as an integral part of their lives. He profiles ‘boys of yoga’ from around the world, smashing stereotypes about what a yogi looks like.
Michael heads up an international meditation movement, ‘Just Breathe’, inspiring us all to take more time to just sit still, and be more aware of our breathing. I’m hoping to go to one of his ‘Global Gathering’ events in the new year. After many requests at events this year, we are introducing a men’s Leather Bracelet into Mantra this season, which can be personalised with your own mantra or word of intent.
The other book I have loved this month is actually an audio collection – the teachings of Jim Rohn. Jim trained Tony Robbins, amongst others, and is credited with being one of the founding fathers of ‘personal development’ as we know it.
I love Jim’s philosophies, about taking personal responsibility for your life, and not blaming circumstances or external events. He talks a lot about the seasons of your life: preparing for the Winters of your life, by building strength and resilience, while making the most of the Springs to look for opportunities and growth.
Jim’s core mantra would be, ‘It’s not what happens, it’s what you do about it’, that makes your life what it is. This is a great mantra for life, to encourage us all to be proactive and take personal responsibility.
Enjoy the rest of the Autumn, and I look forward to catching up in November.
Jo xx