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Jo’s Journal - November 2021

Posted: by Jo Monday, 25 October 2021 @ 16:33

October was a quiet month for me personally, with a more stay-at-home vibe.

It was a month of reading and walking, with as much time spent outside as possible. I have always loved trees, so love the months of Autumn when there is so much change around outside. I’ve spent a lot of time in the Lake District lately, and it’s a truly beautiful time of year for a tree worshipper like me!

Jo exploring the Lake Distric

Having said that, I did have one night away – an overnight stay at a lovely hotel in London, with my husband, to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It was odd being in London again, after such a long time! And to see it so quiet and calm - completely different to hectic London life as it used to be. I loved the quiet pavements and empty streets, but felt sorry for the retailers, missing the tourist crowds.

It was fabulous to dress up in a glamorous frock, and go for cocktails and a posh dinner. I am afraid I have become one of those people who dresses in jeans and trainers for work most days, now that we are not exhibiting at so many events or holding so many face-to-face meetings. The relaxed vibe of post-lockdown dressing really appeals to me, and I can’t see myself going back to dresses for work, anytime soon. So, a dressy night out feels really special.  

Jo Anniversary Meal pic

Here at Mantra, we have been getting ready for Christmas. It’s time for Winter photoshoots, and planning our home page and newsletters for the Christmas season.

We know so many of you who love our jewellery, and believe that it makes a thoughtful and powerful Christmas gift. But there are so many more people out there that don’t know of us yet. As a small business, it’s really hard for us to get our message out there, when there are so many bigger brands spending money on advertising and marketing at this time of year. So, we’d love it if you could recommend us to your friends, family and work colleagues, to help us spread the word.

We are firm believers in the power of words to inspire and motivate; and to change one’s  and mindset. And we absolutely believe that jewellery is the best way to carry inspiring words with you, as it is so personal, precious, and lasting.

Wearing a piece of Mantra Jewellery can make such a difference to how someone feels – as it works as a tangible reminder of the powerful words that can make such an impact. We hear stories from you all the time at our events, of our mantras making a real difference to your daughters, your friends, or yourselves.

From ‘Always, I rise’, to ‘I am enough’, to ‘Believe in yourself. We do’, to ‘I feel calm, safe and grounded’, to ‘I can, and I will’, to ‘I trust my intuition, I call upon my inner strength’, to ‘I am exactly where I’m supposed to be’, to ‘I am brave. I move forwards with confidence’, these stirring reminders work in the moment to help us overcome fear, doubt, anxiety, panic and despair.

Keep sharing your stories with us, and keep telling your friends about our jewellery – so that more people can benefit from a meaningful reminder of their strength.

 mantra feefo platinum service 2021 Gold Be Fearless Necklace

This Christmas, we have some exciting new things launching too. A limited edition run of our bestselling Symbol Necklaces in 18 carat Gold (plated onto Sterling Silver), several new Chakra designs, and a small collection for younger girls – all coming before Christmas. Our new designs come from the lessons and learnings of 2021. There was a point, earlier in the year, where many of us thought the virus would be over, and we’d be living life as normal. We now know that ‘normal’ is unlikely to ever mean what it once did.

So, one of our new mantras is, ‘I open myself up to life’s mysteries’. It has never been more clear that we simply can’t second guess life. We can never know what is around the corner. So, let’s be open to the mystery and unpredictability of life, and embrace it, rather than fear it.

New Mantra Chakra Necklaces

Another new mantra is, ‘I speak with kindness, I listen with compassion’ – to remind us of the importance of being kind and considerate in our dealings with others, and to communicate with sensitivity and empathy.

We can never know what others have gone through – especially during this terrible pandemic. Many people’s experience of these past 18 months has been heart-breaking, and everyone has had their own challenges and fears to deal with. We need to feel empowered and confident to speak out in life – but to do it in a way that shows compassion and care for others.

We also welcome a new team member this month, to the Mantra Team. Sian joins us from our Fabulous store, which closed its doors for the last time in October. Our Mantra team remains small – six committed individuals who believe in the power of words and the beauty of jewellery. And, of course, a wider team of support from graphic designers, website developers and marketing experts, who help us get our message out there and help us reach you with our jewellery.

As October draws to its end, I hope you have a lovely November, and enjoy the changing season. We’re already in festive mood, wanting this Christmas to be extra special – we hope you feel the same!

Jo xxx



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