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How Mantra Makes You Feel

Posted: by Jo Tuesday, 29 June 2021 @ 11:06

Tell us how wearing your Mantra makes you feel.

We're collecting stories from our fans and followers, about which Mantra you wear, and how it makes you feel. We really want to know if our jewellery brings you strength, inspiration, comfort, courage, or reassurance? #mantramakesmefeel

 Mantra makes me Feel Campaign

When we meet many of you at our events, we get to hear from you directly. We hear your stories, and we hear from you why you chose a particular mantra at this point in your life. We love having the time to chat with you and get to know you; and we love finding out more about what prompted your purchase, or why you chose a particular gift for a friend or loved one.

Many of you have told us that, when you hold onto your necklace, or glance down at your bracelet, it makes you feel strong, confident, and resilient. For some, it is a reminder to believe in yourself; for others, a reminder to let go and trust in the outcome.

For many of you, it’s about conveying that self-belief and confidence to a friend: wanting to pass on reassurance and strength to someone who doubts themselves or their ability.

Share your story

Now that we can’t see you at our events, we really want to hear your stories digitally!

Tag us into a 20 second video clip, telling us how #mantramakesmefeel - using that hashtag. If we love what you say, we'd like to share your video on our feed*.

Win a Limited Edition Necklace

We’ll be in touch to let you know how to send your video to us - so be sure to save it on your camera roll!

If we do share your video, we'll send you a Limited Edition Lotus Necklace, to say thank you.

Please share your stories with us! We really want the message of Mantra to reach thousands more women across the world.

We believe in the power of words, to change your mood and your mindset. And we believe that jewellery is the best way to carry those words with you, because it is personal, precious, portable, and acts as a prompt or reminder through the day.

Everything we do brings together memorable words with beautiful jewellery, to create powerful and personal reminders, designed to inspire and uplift.

*By submitting a video, you agree to give Mantra Jewellery permission to use it on our social media and online platforms, to help communicate our story.

#mantramakesmefeel on Social Media

Holly Matthews shares #mantramakesmefeel story  Pallavi Prasad shares #mantramakesmefeel story


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