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Grateful mantras

Posted: Tuesday, 28 February 2017 @ 09:03

In our month of appreciation we’re focusing on thanking those who help us live a happy life and being grateful for what we have, who we know and how we live. If you’re having a bad day and can’t see the positives, take a look at these inspiring mantras to remind you how lucky you are and how much you have to be grateful for…

All I have is all I need  Authentic not perfect  When you have more than you need build a longer table not a higher fence 
 There will never be another you  Give thanks and take nothing for granted  Life is beautiful
 Grateful  Stop waiting and start making Make you mantra thank you 
 You only get one life  A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles  All things are possible if you believe
 Find something positive in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder  Interrupt anxiety with gratitude  Once you need less you will have more
 You are the reason I am smiling today  Every day is a new beginning  I am proud of myself
 See the beauty in everything  You're the greatest gift  Start each day with a grateful heart
 Because of you, I am what I am today  The secret to having it all, is believing you already do  We only get one life, live with no regrets
 What a wonderful world  Some of the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet  Find joy in the ordinary
 I am thankful for the opportunities that come my way  May my body be strong, my heart wild and my spirit free

 When nothing is certain anything is possible

What is your favourite mantra to remind you to be grateful? We'd love to hear yours below...


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