Posted: by Rhian Thursday, 23 February 2017 @ 14:36
This month we’re talking about appreciation, it’s something that our team agreed can slip from our minds in a busy week, focusing on stressful situations or little niggles rather than looking at the bigger picture and realising just how lucky we all are. What makes us feel lucky in life tends to be the amazing people we’re surrounded by, all of us instantly recounted loved ones when asked what we’re grateful for. So here are our mantras for the ones we are truly grateful for, with ways to show our appreciation…
The Mum
I lost my mum to cancer when I was 21 and she was 54, I miss her every day, without fail. For those who have that unconditional love and support at the end of the phone, down the road or at their dining table, don’t take it for granted. For everything they’ve done and do for us, and shaping us into the women we are today

Because of you, I am what I am today necklace, £20
The Sister
Whether you’re chalk and cheese or two peas in a pod, your sister will always have your back. A constant in your life you couldn’t do without. You share the same gene pool and so much more, and we probably don’t let our siblings know how much they mean to us and how deeply we appreciate them

Always on my mind, forever in my heart necklace, £30
The Friend
I love this quote from Christina in Grey’s Anatomy “She’s my person. If I murdered someone, she’s the person I’d call to help me drag the corpse across the living room floor. She’s my person” So here’s to the one that would help you hide the body no questions asked…

Side by side or miles apart, you are always with me, from £35 in Silver and £55 in Gold/Rose Gold
The Fairy God Mother
We all have those ‘aunties’ who aren’t technically aunties at all, your mums best friend who you’ve been able to tell the full story to, your older neighbour who befriended you on day one, your actual Godmother who has been there for you.

Your guardian angel is always with you necklace, £30
The In-laws
They get a bad rap but actually our inherited family are often one of the things we’re most thankful for. Your boyfriends Mum who treats you as their own, your sister-in-law who will drop everything if you need her. Let them know that they dispel the stereotype, and you feel blessed to have them in your life.

You are loved, you are protected, you are blessed necklace, from £20 in Silver
The Daughter
I’m guessing she’s your proudest achievement and the thing you’re most thankful for. For the apple of your eye…

Strong women. May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them, £55 in Gold and Rose Gold, £35 in Silver
The Step Mother
It’s likely your relationship has been a special one. It’s never lost on me that my Step Mum came in to a very hard situation but she has patience, kindness and love for not only my Dad but the whole family and grandkids, and for that I am forever thankful.

May your life be filled with love necklace, £40 in Gold and Rose Gold, £35 in Silver
The Step Daughter
I’m sure there have been ups and downs, and being a Step Mum is a thankless task at times, but your relationship is unlike any other. Let her know that you choose to love her, regardless of blood and are so thankful she is in your life.

You’re the greatest gift necklace, £30