12 inspirational mantras for new year
Posted: by Pallavi Tuesday, 2 January 2018 @ 17:18
Happy new year! Now is the time to be making resolutions, plans and promises for the new year.
After the initial motivation of New Year's Day subsides, we know how hard it can be to stick to those good intentions, so we've chosen 12 of our favourite mantras to keep you inspired month after month...

"If not now, when?"

"May luck and laughter light your days, and love and hope be with you always"

"The body achieves what the mind believes"

"I let go of fear, I let go of worry, I let go of doubt"
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams"

"In my words, thoughts & actions, I choose kindness"

"Dare to dream"

"Seek the sweet moments in every day"

"She who is brave is free"

"Sail away from the harbour. Explore, dream discover"

"Without change, there would be no butterflies"

"Believe in yourself. We do."