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New Collaboration with Wanderlust

Posted: by Jo Wednesday, 22 August 2018 @ 14:06

Collaboration with Wanderlust    Wanderlust Necklace

We are hugely excited about our latest collaboration, with leading international wellbeing brand, WANDERLUST.

Wanderlust describes its mission as helping you to find your true north — to cultivate your best self. They create events, media, products, and experiences, to guide people on the path toward a healthy and inspired life; and believe that a personal practice, whether yoga, meditation, or other mindful and focused activity, is integral to maintaining focus and clarity throughout the journey to true north.

One of their key global events is Wanderlust 108 - the World’s Only Mindful Triathlon – which brings the community together for a 5k run/walk, a DJ-powered yoga session, and guided meditation in your local park. In the UK, this takes place in Battersea Park, in September.

  15th Sept 2018, 7.30am to 5pm 
  Battersea Park, London
   Kula Market

We will be bringing Mantra to the Kula Market at Wanderlust 108, in London – so come and see us there. We will also have our exclusive Julie Montagu collaborations with us, as Julie is one of the headline yoga instructors at the event.

We love everything about Wanderlust: with their focus on personal practice, community, sustainability and doing good, we share many of the same values as Wanderlust. And, as many of you will know, we have already collaborated with wellbeing experts, Julie Montagu and Mel Wells. So - when Wanderlust approached us about a collaborative necklace - we jumped at the chance. 

Mantra is designed to inspire and uplift; to change the way that you feel, bringing positivity, self-belief and inspiration. It is absolutely about inspiring you to live up to the words of wisdom represented by the jewellery, encouraging you to be your best self. And this is precisely what the team behind Wanderlust are passionate about too.

So, we have jointly created a Wanderlust Mantra necklace. It is a disc with a compass cast onto one side, which is their symbol; and the inspiring mantra, ‘Find your True North’, engraved on the reverse.

It launches at Wanderlust 108 in London on September 15th 2018, and will then be exclusively available here.

The Sterling Silver disc necklace is priced at £45, and the Gold and Rose Gold-plated versions at £65.

Wanderlust Event Pic


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