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Story behind the Mantra - Everything I need is already within me

Posted: by Jo Thursday, 29 August 2019 @ 11:12

This new Disc necklace has a three-dimensional Sun Ray design, intended to illustrate the rays of the sun shining out from the centre.

It represents the mantra, ‘Everything I need is already within me’ - the design implying that the sun’s rays are shining out from deep inside you.

mantra sun rays necklace

In the same vein as our highly popular, ‘I am enough’ message, this mantra is all about self-belief and self-confidence. It is a strong and powerful reminder that we all have the qualities within us to be what we want in life.

It asks us to tune into ourselves, and look deep within – because that is where we will find the belief and the confidence to take us forwards in life. We don’t need to look externally for validation or approval – we can find that in ourselves. Strength, courage, trust – these can come from within. Peace of mind, calm, contentment – these are within our own grasp.

Breathing deeply, sitting in stillness, or using reflection, meditation or journalling - we can get in touch with how we really feel, and we can find the answers to most of our problems or challenges in life. We can get in touch with our intuition, our gut feeling, and learn to recognise its power.

We all tend to look externally for answers, believing we will find them in the next self-help book we read, or the next podcast we listen to. But what if – we already had all the answers ourselves?

We created this mantra because we all tend to look externally for answers, for validation, for direction. But we firmly believe that the place to look is inside ourselves, not outside.

Use this mantra as if it is your inner self giving you some important life advice – that everything you need is already within you.

Wear this necklace as a reminder of your superpowers, or gift it to someone who doubts themselves or their abilities.


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