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Mantras for Support

Posted: by Jo Thursday, 24 September 2020 @ 05:05

With new restrictions now in place, and the virus simply not going away, many people are struggling to stay positive and optimistic. Life already seems hard, and it will seem even tougher as time goes on.

You may need to draw on depths of positivity and hope from within yourself, to encourage others and give them support. 

As before, when the crisis started - we must see this as a challenge to rise to, that brings out the best in humanity, not the worst. An opportunity to exercise our resilience and perseverance, and a chance to prove that we are tougher than we thought we were. 

If we can approach the challenges with a positive mindset – focusing on what we can do, rather than what we can’t - then we can help others to get through the crisis in much better shape.

Here are my favourite mantras for offering support: 

You are strong. You are capable. You got this!

You are strong. You are capable. You got this quote

When other people have a positive view of us, and believe us to be stronger or more capable than we believe ourselves to be – it acts as a huge boost to our self-confidence and self-belief. Who can you say this to, to show them how much you believe in them? It could have a huge impact on their level of confidence, and really boost their inner strength.  

Side by side or miles apart, you are always with me

Side by side or miles apart, you are always with me quote

When you can’t be with someone physically, make sure they know that they are in your thoughts and in your heart. Just knowing someone cares, and that they are thinking about us, works to relieve our loneliness and gives a boost to our self-esteem. Write them a card, telling them that they are in your thoughts, or send them a text to let them know you are there.  

My anchor holds, despite the storms

My anchor holds, despite the storms quote

Anchors are there to hold a ship steady, no matter what storms rage around it. Strong grappling hooks grip deeply to the seabed, holding fast as the wind and waves toss the ship. Pass this mantra onto someone who is feeling adrift or unmoored. Remind them that they are held safely and securely, by the people they love, by a greater power, and by their own inner strength.

Your guardian angel is always with you

Your guardian angel is always with you quote

You don’t have to believe in angels and the afterlife for this mantra to be a comfort. The idea of a higher power looking after us is a powerful and comforting thought, and we can each decide what form that higher power takes. Some people believe that their particular angel is a spiritual being looking out for their wellbeing, while others believe them to be a deceased loved one, offering guidance. 

I choose hope on this journey

I choose hope on this journey quote

This mantra makes a positive and empowering statement of choice, reminding us that we cannot choose what happens to us in life, but we can choose our reaction and response to what happens. It is a good mantra to pass onto someone who is despairing, as the words ‘I choose’ are an empowering start. They may not know what the outcome of their journey will be, but they have a choice: to travel positively, with optimism and belief.

Find a way

Find a way quote

There are no easy answers at the moment. Things we have always taken for granted have changed out of all recognition, and we are all navigating uncertainties and challenges. Pass this mantra on to someone who is feeling hopeless. Encourage them to see this is a challenge to solve, not a problem to defeat us. The old ways may not work – so what else can we try, until we reach a solution? Perseverance, initiative and determination will win the day. 


We are still in difficult and anxious times, facing set-backs and steps backwards. Draw on your own positivity to help others, and find ways of spreading and sharing good news, not bad. Don’t get caught up in discussing how bad things are, but look for snippets of hope instead, and spread these around. 

We are in this for the long haul, so be the light for other people who need it. In the meantime, stay strong, stay safe, and know that we can all do this. 

Jo xx


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