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Mantras for resilience

Posted: Tuesday, 31 March 2020 @ 05:31

In any crisis, it is hard to contain our fears and worries - but it is even more important than ever to muster resilience and summon our inner strength at this time, because there are people who are worse off than ourselves, who need us to be strong.

We know the practical things we can do, but it is mindset and mood that will have the biggest impact. An opportunity to exercise our resilience and perseverance, and a chance to prove that we are tougher than we thought we were.

If we can approach the challenges with a growth mindset – by asking ourselves, how can we improve the situation? How can we help? What can we do to contribute to the collective goodness of humanity, not add to the doom? – then we will get through any crisis in much better shape.

Here are our favourite mantras for building resilience: 

My anchor holds, despite the storms

My anchor holds despite the storms

Anchors are there to hold a ship steady, no matter what storms rage around it. Strong grappling hooks on the end of the anchor grip deeply to the seabed, holding fast as the wind and waves toss the ship. Know that you are held safely and securely, by the people you love, by a greater power, and by your own inner strength. 


Always, I rise 

Always I rise

A reminder that, whatever happens in life, you will rise above it and get through it. Inspired by Maya Angelou’s famous poem, ‘Still, I rise’, but changed to make it even more permanent. Always and forever – you can, and will, rise above any difficulty.


I choose hope on this journey 

I choose hope on this journey

This mantra makes a positive and empowering statement of choice, reminding us that we cannot choose what happens to us in life, but we can choose our reaction and response to what happens. We may not know what the outcome of our journey will be, but we can travel positively, with optimism and belief. 


 When life pulls you back, aim forwards

 When life pulls you back, aim forwards

Just as an arrow needs to be pulled back before it launches forward, so there are times when life asks you to take a step backwards for a time. Just keep aiming in the direction that you want to go, and you will get there in time. This is a mantra of patience as well as resilience, as it demonstrates that progress isn’t always forwards as we would like to believe.  


I have the courage to move forwards 

Solar Plexus Mantra

A powerful and affirmative mantra, to re-label any feelings of anxiety that you may have as bravery instead. Channel your fears and doubts, and use them as a springboard for courage instead. The more you say this affirmation, the more you will believe it, and it will become true.  


Find a way 

Find a way

We are all navigating uncertainties and challenges. Take inspiration from this mantra as it asks us to keep trying, until you find a way. The old ways may not work – so what else can we try, until we reach a solution? Perseverance, initiative and determination will win the day.  


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