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Mantras for Looking Ahead

Posted: by Jo Tuesday, 25 August 2020 @ 04:27

It feels like we are through the worst of the crisis, so it is time to start looking to the future and planning ahead again. We have all had a bit of a ‘lockdown mentality’ these past few months, just getting through the days - but now it really feels like it’s time to be more ambitious in our thinking, and get excited about the future again. 

Here are some mantras to encourage looking ahead, as you start planning for new experiences, new adventures, and new ambitions:

I open my heart to new experiences, without expectation

I open my heart to new experiences without expectation quote

This mantra encourages us to open our hearts and our minds to something new and different. It asks us to avoid setting too many expectations of how something will work out – just embrace the unknown, and enjoy the experience. 

Without change, there would be no butterflies

Without change, there would be no butterflies quote

A powerful reminder that all things in life change, and that we should embrace change. The beautiful butterfly is created from changes to a caterpillar – and the world would be a less beautiful place without that transformation taking place. 

Wear your confidence like a crown, and hold your head up high

Wear your confidence like a crown, and hold your head up high

Sometimes, we lack the confidence or courage to move forwards in life, or to set goals for the future. This mantra reminds us of our talents, our skills and our inner qualities, asking us to hold our heads up high as we move through life with confidence and self-respect. 

Give me the vision to see far ahead, the strength to keep going, and the courage to soar

Give me the vision to see far ahead, the strength to keep going, and the courage to soar

This mantra is one of vision and ambition, as we soar upwards with courage and confidence, seeing clearly ahead of us what we want to achieve, or where we want to go. It is a great mantra to invoke self-confidence, and to encourage you to set your sights on the future. 

Sail away from the harbour. Explore, dream, discover

Sail away from the harbour. Explore, dream, discover

There is a saying that ships aren’t designed to stay in the harbour – they are built to ride the waves and cross the ocean. This mantra reminds us of that, urging us to have the courage to sail out of the safety of the harbour and get out into the world, to explore and discover. Nothing in life would move forwards if we all stayed sheltering in the harbour. 

Find your melody. Sing your song 

Find your melody. Sing your song

This mantra asks us to be true to ourselves. Look deep within and understand what is your melody – your own personal tune that you want the world to hear? And having discovered that – now have the confidence to go out and sing it. It is about looking forwards in life with a plan to be yourself: in fact, be more of yourself, than ever before. The world needs authenticity and self-belief. 

Let my imagination soar and my ideas flow

Let my imagination soar and my ideas flow quote

This mantra encourages us to creative and imaginative, thinking up new ideas and opening our mind up to new possibilities. It acts as call for inspiration when we need new ideas or solutions, or when we want to access the heights of our imagination. Encourage your creativity to flourish as you look far ahead. 

I am evolving and transforming

I am evolving and transforming Womanhood Quote

This mantra celebrates change within ourselves, not just out in the world, or in our personal circumstances, but deep within us. We naturally change as we grow older, and we go through different stages in our lives – but we can embrace personal growth even more wholeheartedly, by looking for ways to transform parts of ourselves. Perhaps now is the time for a more positive outlook, a more active lifestyle, or a more open mindset?

I talked last month about starting to dream again. Now, take that one step further and start to plan, and then start to take action. It’s time to have the confidence to make changes and set goals. It’s time to look to the future again.  

Jo xx


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