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Celebrate your Mum with the perfect mantra

Posted: by Pallavi Thursday, 2 March 2017 @ 12:56

We picked 12 mantras that we'd love to give our mums this Mother's Day. To celebrate their amazing qualities and what makes them uniquely ours. Take a look below at the mantras and see which mantra matches their character...

The self-less Mum 

Your Mum drops everything to be by your side, she has a sixth sense of when her presence is needed and she’ll be there in a heartbeat. She’ll show you love in affection and thoughtful gifts and you’ll feel her love in the support she shows you. She is the epitome of maternal, and her loving and caring nature is the thing you admire most in her.


The optimistic Mum

These uplifting mantras celebrate your Mum’s courage, whether that’s in health, life or determination. Celebrate her ability to tackle any situation and let her know that courage lives on in you and you are extremely proud of her!

The vivacious Mum

For the life and soul of the party! When you think of your Mum you see laughter, you see a bright smile and an unwavering enthusiasm for life. Your memories are filled with fun days out, of cocktails and parties. Celebrate her vivacity and let her know that life is never dull when she’s around. The happiness she brings to your life certainly doesn’t go unnoticed.

The activist Mum

She believes in the power of collaboration and is the cheerleader for strong female friendships, she will fight for what is right and she has always stuck up for you vehemently. When you think of strength and integrity, you see your Mum. Let her know that her values and strength are the things you admire most about her, and the things you will fight to carry to the next generation. Strong women.

We think our Mums fit in to several groups, all of them at times, which mantra would your Mum love?



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