
Mantra Jewellery as seen on Sandra Garlick - Woman Who

We created 'Inspire' necklace for the ‘Woman Who’ awards. Awarded to successful and up-and-coming businesswomen and women in education and training, the awards particularly recognise women who inspire other women.

Inspire Necklace for Woman Who Awards  Testimony for Mantra Jewellery by Sandra Garlick

 Sandra Garlick wearing Personalised myMantra Jewellery  Personalised Lotus Necklace for Sandra Garlick

As seen on Sandra's Instagram

Sandra Garlick Woman Who Awards Sandra Garlick at Woman Who AwardsSandra Garlick wearing personalised myMantra Necklace Sandra Garlick wearing personalised mantra NecklaceSandra Garlick wearing mantra Necklace at Woman Who Awards  Sandra Garlick wearing Mantra JewellerySandra Garlick with Mantra Inspire Necklace Sandra Garlick wearing Mantra Lotus NecklaceSandra Garlick wearing Personalised Lotus Necklace


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